About The Fox & Hounds

The history of the Fox and Hounds in Lyndhurst charts back as far as the 16th Century - but most of the Inn was built later, in the 19th century. It was then used as an important coaching house on the route between Bournemouth and Southampton./p>
In those days, when coaches drew in for a break in their journey, passengers would be entertained by a local man known as “Silly Jack” - who used to do a funny little step dance on the pavement./p>
Another coaching ritual took place daily up until about 1912. The Four in Hand coachman, driving from Bournemouth to Southampton, would sound his horn when he passed the Swan Inn at Swan Green, about a mile from Lyndhurst High Street. This was the signal to the Ostler at the Fox and Hounds to have the horses ready for the change team - which would then pull the coach onto Southampton.